68 vistas
Letra de la canción Dreaming
(verse 1)
Late at night when all the world was sleeping i stayed
Up and thinked of you and i wished on a star that
Somewhere you are thinking of me too
I'll be dreamin of you tonight till tomarro i'll be
Holdin you thight and there's no where in the world
I'd rather be than here in my room dreamin about
You and meeee.................................................
I wanna hold you thight but, so far all i have are
Dreams of you and i can't belive that you came
Up to me and said i love you
Late at night when all the world was seelpin' i stayed
Up and thinked of youoooooooou and i still can't
Belive that you came up to me and said i love
You i love you too!
(chorus twice)