Ain't better like this
I wanna make love to you, all night
Wow! you're the bomb
C'mom c''>
Letras de canciones
Canciones de Mónica Naranjo

Ain't better like this

Mónica Naranjo

58 vistas

Letra de la canción Ain't better like this

Ain't better like this
I wanna make love to you, all night
Wow! you're the bomb
C'mom c'mom, oh yeah!
Hey i could do it, anyway you want to
Yeah(,you can show me dirty pictures in books
We'll recreate the act
Yes i could do it, most any way you want to, my love
But just so my position is clear
I really like the back

But oh it's all good for me
Just want you to stay here inside me, all night

Well ain't better like this boy
Did we rock it til' the break of dawn?
But ain't it better like this boy
Sheet you're really turning me on

Well i could do it, most any way you want to, my love
Yeah you can show me dirty pictures in books
And we'll recreate the act
I tell ya, i could do it, most any way you want to, my love
But just so my position is clear
Lets take it to the max

But oh it's all good for me
Just want you to stay here inside me, all night.

Well ain't it better like this boy
Did we rock it til' the break of dawn?
But ain't it better like this boy
Sheet you're really turning me on
C'mon, c'mon

You're the bomb, oh yeah
But oh you're all good for me
Just want you to stay here inside me, all my life
Ow ow ow!

But ain't it better like this boy
But ain´t it better like this boy
Ain't it better like this boy
Sheet you're really turning me on, oh yeah

Yes, so good!!!!!

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