Letras de canciones
Canciones de Molotov

Funky cold medina


74 vistas

Letra de la canción Funky cold medina

Tequila was the shit
It got you where you wanted
But the morning after
Was the shitty thing about it
They brought a high formula
Wich's stronger than dry cooler
It's made in argentina
It's called the funky cold medina

No ---, or pills, no drugs or vitaminas
Can make your dick harder than a funky cold medina
But the time the bellow sit was scattered the crapper
First of her annus then straight into her snapper
I bet you won't belive but at the time that he comes
He's much more than a pornstar
His name is robert holmes
Cos' he's a mucho muchacho,
We call him sex machina
You know what he was drinking?
Funky cold medina
Funky cold medina

I'm more i fell a blow when night
And see there's a conmotion
Everybody's getting around this magic potion
In a crystal bottle
Blue just like the ocean
It's said put some in glass to get the night emotion

I've been into this girl
She said her name's katrina
I just untie my fly
And then i gave her some metina
In like the taxi termest i went and stopt the beaver
I think that magic potion,
Was funky cold madina

Funky cold madina,

Me fui pa' la cantina
Por mi funky cold medina
Me puse muy borroso y conoci a una cochina
Nos pusimos a bailar, toda la noche ladraba
Cuando la volvi a buscar estaba toda wacareada

Funky cold madina (x4)

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