Andar conmigo (ingles)
Letra de la canción Andar conmigo (ingles)
There is so much i want to speak you
There is so much i want to know of you
We already can begin little by little
Cuéntame, what brings to you this way
You are not scared to say the truth to me
That never can be thus so bad
I also have secrets for darte
And that you know that no longer they serve more to me
There are so many ways to walk…
He tell me if your quiseras to walk with me
Cuéntame if you wanted to walk with me
I am anxious to loosen it everything
From the beginning until arriving at today
A history i have in my for entregarte
A history still without end
We could say any thing to us
To even give us for always always no
But now as opposed to in front, here seated
Festejemos that the life crossed to us
There are so many ways to walk…
It tell me if your quiseras to walk with me
Cuéntame if you wanted to walk with me