City. i was a dishwasher, busboy and waite'>
Letras de canciones
Canciones de Joan Sebastian

Taxi diver

Joan Sebastian

49 vistas

Letra de la canción Taxi diver

Joan (hablado): 'you know, i had so many jobs when i came to the
City. i was a dishwasher, busboy and waiter...and i became a cook
Later. anyway...when i was a taxidriver...this young fellow came and
Told me:'

Jose manuel (cantado): driver please
Step on the gas
I'm gonna see my baby at last
Stop by the flower shop
She'll be surprised not expecting me back.

Ambos (cantado): and we flew down the highway
To her doorway
We flew down the highway...

Joan (cantado): to her doorway.

Joan (hablado): 'as soon as i stopped, he ran into the house
And after a couple of minutes of waiting
The lion came small as a mouse...and he told me again:'

Jose manuel (cantado): driver please
Step on it now
I must've forgotten the address somehow

Joan (cantado): where do wanna go?

Jose manuel (cantado): just drive away, driving i'll let you know...

Joan y jose manuel (cantado): and we flew down the highway
Throwing flowers
Every whichway
We flew down the highway
Throwing flowers
Every whichway.

Letras para dedicar

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