My reflection (mi reflejo english translation)
Letra de la canción My reflection (mi reflejo english translation)
To you
What you see of me
Is reality
But you don't know
The role that life
Makes me play
Being like this
I can fool
My outer world
But never to my heart
Today i didn't recognize
Who i saw in front of me
My reflection didn't show
Who i am in truth
One more day
That my heart
Has to hide
All of my feelings
At the end
They'll know who i am
What i really think
That day will arrive,ohh oh
Today i didn't recognize
Who i saw in front of me
That in my reflection
Iknow i'm not
I don't want to pretend
I want to be reality
My reflection didn't show
Who i am in truth
And my heart wants to feel, to fly
I'm not how i want no
And i'm going to change
It doesn't have to be like this
To pretend is not to live
The one i see in front of me
Can't take anymore
I'm not going to hide
The one i am anymore
One good day, love
Will rescue me
And that day who i am
Will be reflected